Packing Applications

Packing Application

Spice & Herb Packaging

Spice and herbs delight our palate, add vibrant color to our plates, and add delectable flavor to our meals. However, to keep your fragrant spices and herbs fresh, it is imperative that the spice and herb packaging you choose be airtight, keeping unwanted moisture and odors out. Tripod Thai Packaging stocks a collection of unique seasoning bags and spice packaging ideas for brands looking for a simple and easy way to package and promote their product.

Resealable food packaging is the best packaging for spices since these food pouch bags offer barrier protection against outside moisture and odors. In addition, our spice packaging and herb packaging is resealable, reusable, and lightweight, an ideal packaging alternative to traditional bulky bottles, jars, and cans.

If you are looking for a handcrafted, artisan look and feel, then our bag collections are the ones for you. On the other hand, if you want to be fully transparent and let your product do the talking, then our recyclable bag collections are your best choice.