Packing Applications

Packing Application

Rice & Powder Packaging

Rice Bags Packaging Solutions                                                                            

State-of-the-art Technology for Packaging Rice Bags Impeccably!

The packaging of rice can greatly influence consumer preferences. It is the bag of an edible product which first invites a customer to try the item. So basically a bag is not just packaging but the Face of Your Brand!

The engineers in Tripod Thai Packaging specialize in professional rice bag packaging considering the shelf life of your product along with enhancing your company’s image. Our advanced Vertical Machine packs every grain perfectly in flexible bags, customized as per your particular requirement.

You can choose a particular size and type of packaging available with us or bring in your own bags to be packed by us. We offer full-fledged customization for packaging of rice grains, tailoring our services to serve your needs.

Varieties Packaged by Us

Our vertical machine has the capability to make an array of plastic rice packaging bags for different diversities. This is your ultimate Hub and one-stop-shop for packaging various varieties of rice including:

Long White Grain

You can also count on us for attractive designing of labels for your rice bags packed here. We offer outstanding aesthetics for labeling to create, enhance and promote your trademark.

Maximize Your Tasty Profits with Tripod Thai Packaging

The Tripod Thai Packaging team ensures complete quality assurance, in-process quality checks and active communication with the client to ensure complete value for money. Just like you want your customers to trust your brand for the best rice, we leave no stone unturned in helping you gain that goodwill while gaining your faith in our services at the same time.

Every Packet Matters!

Undoubtedly, each and every packet that leaves our facility carries your brand image and represents our talents. Hence, we pack each one of it with utmost care. May it be Jasmine rice bags or brown rice packets, each one must reach the ultimate consumer in the very best form and that’s what we specialize in!