Packing Applications

Packing Application

Bath Product Packaging

Bath Salt and Body Scrub Packaging
Tripod Thai Packaging offers airtight bath salt and body scrub packaging to store, display, and ship your personal care products. Ingredients stay fresher longer in stylish and functional bath salts and body scrubs packaging bags.

Unique bath salt and body scrub packaging is essential to establish and distinguish your brand in the marketplace. Our stand up barrier pouches are the perfect choice. Designed to be convenient, easy to use, and travel well, stand up pouch bags also offer efficiency and performance. Stand-up zipper pouches are an excellent choice as they give your brand shelf appeal. In addition, the airtight seal dramatically increases the product shelf-life. The laminated interior and the heat-sealable characteristics ensure that your products are free from outside odors, damaging oxygen, and unwanted moisture.

matte frosted stand up pouches - bath salt packaging
bath bomb packaging ideas copious bags
bath salt packaging bag black
tea packaging bags kraft
Extend the shelf life of your products— discover the benefits of resealable and reusable bags.
Kraft Stand Up Pouches with Window  - salt packaging bags
Black Kraft Stand Up Pouches- small seed packaging bags

Eco-friendly packaging
As a whole, flexible packaging requires 75% less material to produce the finished product than bottles, jars, and other hard, inflexible, rigid packaging.

Reusable & Resealable
Stand up pouches are reusable and resealable for multiple uses — keeping the contents fresh and free from odors, moisture, and oxygen in an airtight environment. 

Heat Sealable
Heat-sealed bags provide a tamper-evident finish that customers have come to expect. Heat sealing extends product shelf life, maintains freshness, and ensures food safety.

Cost Savings
Stand up pouches provide an all-in-one package solution; no caps, lids, or inserts are required. Flexible packaging typically costs three to six times less per unit than rigid packaging.